1. This must be done using ADSIEDIT.
    1. On a local domain controller open ADSIEDIT.msc
    2. Go to View on the top toolbar and click Advanced Features.
    3. Expand Default naming contextExpand DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM
    4. Navigate to the correct OU where the user is located.
  2. Right click the user you want to edit and click Properties.
  3. Scroll down to the attribute: ProxyAddresses and click Edit.
  4. It should appear blank at first, you will need to add the current email address the user has like so SMTP:[email protected] and the new alias as smtp:[email protected]. The primary email address will need to have SMTP capitalized and any other ones after that will need to be lowercase.
  5. Exit out of ADSIEDIT and you can either wait the default 3 hours that it takes to sync new data to Office 365 or go to your DirSync server and perform a manual sync.